Hi Jenna,
I don’t know if you remember us. We adopted Ava in December (09). We renamed her Roxy because we have a niece that is Ava. I thought you might like to see a few somewhat recent pictures.
We really love her so much. She is so sweet – I don’t think there’s a mean bone in her body. She still likes her belly rubbed and she tries to talk. She does love her food though. Last time she was at the vet (in December), she weighed 13 lbs. We have her on dry food that is “weight control” and she gets a little wet food each day. We say she’s a full-figured girl but a lot of it is fur. Madison (our Calico) only weighs 9 lbs. but she is the boss since she is older. Madison holds her down and cleans her ears sometimes.
We are really happy you chose us. She is so entertaining and a great addition to our family.
Anyway, hope all is going well with you and your family. Have you fostered anymore dogs since Abner?
Best regards,
— Donna