Our fierce volunteers, Sheryl Conrad-Walker and Cheryl Gleason took the Kitty The Cat Mobile out to Columbia, MO on their first TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) mission this week. They met the amazing staff of The Spay Neuter Project, a low cost, high-quality spay/neuter clinic, to help a known cat colony in the area. They were able to fix fourteen felines, 9 males and 5 females!
Most of the cats in the colony are friendly, but the sad reality is that the local shelters and rescues are overflowing, so there is no place for them to go. TNR is the best option in this situation, as it guarantees that the colony will not grow. The colony has a caretaker, a lovely woman who lost two sons to gun violence and has fallen on challenging times. She was so grateful for the help she received, and Cheryl and Sheryl were glad they could bring something positive into her life. They are hoping to continue the outreach efforts, with the support of HAHS and the Outreach Team, led by Andrea Knobbe.