Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) Team never disappoints to share a great story from their life saving trips to Sedalia, MO.
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Enjoy this lighthearted story as told by Sheryl: “Everyone…meet Tony. Tony went to Sedalia with Kate, Rachel, and I yesterday to be neutered and vaccinated. His mom, Sarah, was very worried about him going…she’s very attached to this cute boy. We’d been on the road home for about an hour when one of the kitties let out a blood curdling scream…just one. Scared the out of all 3 of us! I hit the next exit and we got out to check on all the kitties. Everyone in traps were loaded in the back of the van and seemed fine. It kind of sounded like it came from the middle of the van where all the carriers were, so we checked on them…one seemed a little scared so we pulled that carrier up front so we could monitor the kitty and hit the road again. A few minutes later, another blood curdling scream came from the middle of the van so off the next exit we go again. Switched the kennel up front with another kennel…thinking this kitty was the screamer. We hit the road again. A few miles down the road it happens again from the middle part of the van. Off the next exit we go again. At this point we had narrowed it down, since the others were smaller kittens and these screams sounded more adult. This carrier was occupied by this adorable ginger boy Tony. But Tony was NOT a happy camper. I call it “anesthesia-tude”…it’s a thing! Some cats have a grumpy reaction to coming out of anesthesia…a normally friendly loving kitty can be a total jerk. Poor Tony had “Anesthesia-tude”. He was growling and clawing at the door and was generally not happy about losing his manhood…and he was definitely letting us know about it! Once he was up front with us the screams stopped. Clearly, he wanted our attention and to be consoled for his loss!