Hi, my name is Classic. I am a sweet 5-year-old chonk who loves making biscuits for my foster mom. Before I was rescued, I lived outside where I had to fend for myself to survive. I am FIV+ which does not stop me from living a full and happy life.

In the past, cats like me were euthanized, but recent research shown that FIV is not as scary as we once thought!

Did you know?

  • FIV+ and FIV- cats can live happy and long lives together, as long as everybody stays is inside, spayed/neutered, vaccinated and gets along.
  • FIV only affects cats and cannot be passed to other species.
  • Grooming and sharing food or water bowls does not transmit FIV. It takes a deep bite wound for the virus to be transmitted.

If you are looking to adopt, don’t ignore a cat simply because they are FIV+. Cats like Classic are some of the most loving and wonderful felines who happen to have FIV.

Contact my foster mom Kate at 913.710.4017 to adopt Classic!