OquinPups200x133Within Heart of America we celebrate every adoption. There is nothing quite like the feeling you get when your foster dog or cat finds a wonderful forever home. However, it seems that everyone comes together in a special way when your foster is pregnant. The foster experience includes caring for the pregnant mom, whelping the puppies, ensuring that they grow into strong, healthy puppies then placing them in other foster homes prior to adoption. One such foster dog was Hazel, a beautiful lax/mix, who gave birth to 10 beautiful puppies at Patty O’Guin’s house. The following story is a celebration of Hazel and her babies and letters from the adopters of three of her puppies.
BlondiePup200x191Hi Laura.

I just wanted to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day and to let you know how well I am doing in my new home. Boy am I having fun! My new sister, Gracie, took a few days to get use to me but now we play and run and chase and have a great time. She taught me how to play tug of war – boy is that fun!
MaxPup200x133I am learning to only potty outside. They like when I do that. I get all sorts of hugs and kisses for pottying! I did have one accident but really – it was not my fault. My new mom brought out this big thing that picks up stuff off the floor and it makes a real loud noise and I thought it was going to suck me up! I really do not like loud noises…
I have a new brother and sister who like to take me on walks and play with me. I am so lucky! They do wear me out so sometimes I like to escape to sleep under the sofa. Mom says that will only last a few more weeks cuz I will not fit under there after that. I hope she is wrong cuz I really like it under there. I like to put my belly on the hard wood floor – it feels so good.
DaxPup200x200I am a good sleeper. Mom puts me in a kennel right by her bed so I can see her and I sleep there until she gets up in the morning. The first few nights I had to wake her up so I could go potty but I can make it all night now. I am so proud of myself. Oh – the really cool thing is – I don’t have to share my food! At first, I gobbled it down as fast as I could but now I know no one else is going to eat it so I like to “dine” and take my time.
I got to go visit the doctor so he could check me out. That was fun! He did have to give me some medicine because I had an infection where I had my surgery but it is all better now. Mom says I get to go again around the 15th to get more shots (OH NO!) and get my stitches out. When I went – my new sister, Gracie, got some shots and she did not cry so hopefully I can be as brave.
Well – since it is Mother’s Day, I wanted to thank you for being a good Mom to me and for finding me my new home. I just love it here! Much love,
–Bentlie (aka – Blondie)

Max200x150Max (we kept his name) is doing GREAT! He hasn’t used his crate for a bathroom at all and he has gone outside to potty/poop EVERY time except for a little excitement tinkle. He cries in his kennel when he has to go. When we go out, he goes to the front door and sits while I put the leash on. We are working on sit and he does a good job of not storming the door to get out.
He’s really a good little guy. He’s found a few places that seem like nice places to chew, but I keep a close eye on him and make sure he has plenty of chew toys. We also discovered the ’Bitter Yuck’ spray—he hates it and never goes back to the places we spay.
Not long before he had his stitches removed he almost took one out himself. His little tooth got stuck in it, so I very carefully got it out of there without tearing it! Whew! Other than that, we haven’t had any problems.
At first he was getting up once in the night to potty, cried for a little while and then went right back to sleep. Now he is sleeping through the night!
Overall, I must say we could not have asked for a better puppy, he’s going to be such a good dog!
Thanks again so much, we love Max and he’s completely a part of our family!

Dax200x150We renamed Dax to Max. He’s doing great. He’s getting so big already! He now knows to pee and poop outside and not in his crate anymore. No poops inside yet either!!! He hasn’t quite figured out NOT to pee inside, though, but we’re still working on it. He’s doing better and better every day. His only main issue right now is nipping. He only does it to play, but we’re trying a couple techniques consistently now, so it’s getting better.
He LOVES being outside, so we take him on walks 3-4 times per day. The first day with the leash was pretty humorous… Max did not like it very much. But since the second day, he walks really well on it; it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. He’s VERY curious and wants to smell/touch/play with everything he sees outside. We have a couple dogs in the neighborhood, and he does well meeting them. He also loves sticks now. He’ll carry them around outside and chew on them quite often.
His green eyes are still green… I hope they stay that way! One of our friends has 2 kids (5 & 7 years), and they say Max has “people eyes.” He rides in the car really well, and has figured out the stairs. He still is a little slower coming down, but he does well! We have been so happy with Max in our lives and can’t believe how we ever survived without him!! Class and finals have been okay… Having Max actually keeps me from taking naps when I should be studying anyway. And I’m pretty sure I’ve lost about 3 pounds from all the walks we’ve been taking!!!!
We’re hoping to get him down to the lake as much as possible this summer… I can’t wait to see him in the water!!! The move will be next weekend, but luckily, Max is already used to the layout and the area we’re in. Hopefully it goes smooth!!!
Thanks so much again. We love Max, and he’s completely a part of our family!!!